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2019年05月07日 09:54  点击:[]

Project Description


2018 Seminar on Logistics Development and Management for Developing Countries


Suzhou University of Science and Technology


2018-5-7 to 2018-5-27



Invited Countries

Developing countries,

Officials in the fields of logistics, transportation, engineering audit, etc. or in the departments of economic development, urban and rural development planning, etc.

Number of Participants


Requirements for the Participants


Under 45 for officials at or under director’s level; under 50 for officials at director general’s level


In good health with health certificate issued by the local public hospitals; without diseases with which entry to China is disallowed by China’s laws and regulations; without severe chronic diseases such as serious high blood pressure, cardiovascular/cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes; without metal diseases or epidemic diseases that are likely to cause serious threat to public health; not in the process of recovering after a major operation or in the process of acute diseases; not seriously disabled or pregnant


Capable of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English


The participant is not allowed tobring his/her spouse, relative or friend to come and stay in China

Host City


Local Temperature

Average temperature:15℃-25℃, with rain sometimes

Cities to visit

Shanghai Beijing

Local Temperature





Contact of the Organizer

Contact Person(s)

Zhao Jin









About the Organizer

Suzhou University of Science and Technology (SUST) is located in New District of Suzhou, a famous historical and cultural city in China,about 100 km west of Shanghai which is the largest city in China. SUST is a multi-disciplinary institution of higher educationwith engineering as its focus, covering other well-coordinated disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, liberal arts, business, management and art. It has three campuses, with an area of 156 hectares. The University library collects 1.6 million books, 1.24 million electronic references.

At present the University offers 57 undergraduate programs, and has 12 disciplines with the right to award master’s degree. There are25,200 full-time students including undergraduates, graduates and international students as well as 2000 adult students. The University has 1667 staff members, with 910 full time teachers including 408 professors and associate professors, 9 doctoral advisers and 118 master supervisors.

SUST places great importance on academic exchange and cooperation with foreign universities and research institutes, and has gradually established its inter-university cooperation links with universities in many countries such as Japan, UK, Singapore, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Australia and U.S.A.

Since 1993, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China,has organized42 International Training Coursesand has trainedmore than 800technicians and officials frommore than100 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and Oceania.

Course Content

Entrusted by Ministry of Commerce of P. R. China, Suzhou University of Science and Technology will organize “2018 Seminar on Logistics Development and Management for Developing Countries” from May 7th –May27th, 2018. This training courses aim to provide participantswitha better understanding of the theories and methods of logistics management and a more profound masteringofthe experience, technology and policies as well in development of the logistics industry in China. The participants could master the knowledge of logistics development and management.

The experts and scholars in the field oflogistics management in China will be invited to give lectures andthesubjects will be given by the teachers who have rich teaching experience and research capacity in the School of BusinessofSUST. The participantswill learn about China’s present situation of logistics development,logistics system optimization, logistics environment andtheapplication of advanced technology by classroom instruction combined with field trips and study tours to logistics parks, logistics bases and logistics ports. Also, visiting classical gardens and typical water towns in Suzhou in the weekends enables participants to know the history and culture of Suzhou, Jiangsu and China.

This seminar aims to officials of logistics development and managementapplythe knowledge and experiencelearned from the training course tothe logistics system of their countriesandplay a vital role in working out prompt solutions to the logisticssystem in the process of economic development in their own countries.


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